February 05 2018
Written By
Ashley Silva
13 Fast Weight Loss Tips (We Tried Them!)
Written By Ashley Silva - February 05 2018

All credit goes to Melissa Daly June 04, 2015
Put away the (food) scale
—Bethenny Frankel, author of Naturally Thin
Stash fruit
—Diana Cerqueira, Health beauty assistant

Shake chocolate
—Bobbi Brown, founder of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics
Set limits, then go nuts!
—Ellen Kunes, Health editor-in-chief
Floss for dessert
—Jo Miller, Health photo director
Take a 'before' photo
—Rozalynn S. Frazier, Health assistant fitness editor
Avoid liquid calories
—Lisa Lombardi, Health executive editor
Break out the skinny jeans
—Ilana Blitzer, Health beauty/fashion editor
—Olivia Rassow, Health food editorial assistant
Set aside leftovers
—Maria Ricapito, Health contributing beauty editor
Get enough sleep
"Sleep is a cornerstone of weight management because of the impact it has on your hormones that control how you burn fat, how you store fat, and how you're maintaining muscle. The better your hormone balance, the better your weight management.
—Jillian Michaels, The Biggest Loser Trainer
Balance your diet
“Pair your treat with something that's good for you. Want chips? Have a handful with veggies and guacamole, which is packed with good fats. In the mood for chocolate? Partner it with yogurt. That way, you'll fill up on good stuff so you won't devour tons of the less-healthy food.”
—Marissa Lippert, RD, Owner & CEO of Nourish Kitchen + Table
Honor your body
"Your specific [weight loss] program may differ from someone else’s based on climate, geography, heredity, the quality of the food you’re buying, the volume in which you’re eating that food, and so much more. A lot people take advice that doesn’t honor themselves. What works for me is not going to work for you. It’s just not. So really, it’s [about] having an honest look at who you are, what your tendencies and triggers are, and how you can build a program that revolves around that.”
—Jennifer Widerstrom, The Biggest Loser Trainer